Ways to Determine a Venomous Snake

Little Rock snake

Most of the snakes in the US are non-venomous, and only 4 of them are considered venomous; the cottonmouths, copperheads, rattlesnakes, and coral snakes. Every year, around 7,000 snakebites occur in the country, and most of these bites result from inexperienced individuals trying to capture the snake. Therefore, we do not recommend the DIY removal of snakes, and it should be left in the hands of the expert.

What Should I Do If There is a Venomous Snake in My Yard?
The first thing you need to do is keep calm and assess the potential hazards and risks associated with this animal. Give the reptile enough space to escape since most of them will flee the area once they encounter a predator as large as a human. Get away from the proximity and call the help of the snake removal expert, who can help you identify what type of snake it is.

Will the Behavior of Snake Help Me Distinguish a Venomous Snake?
Understanding the unique behavior of the snake may help you determine the species of the snake. Each of them will manifest behavior that is unique among their species. Unfortunately, noting these small differences can be a challenge for those who lack experience and knowledge. Perhaps, one of the most renowned behaviors can be noticed from the rattlesnakes. When they feel threatened, these snakes will be shaking their tails, which will create a clicking sound, which will warn the predator. However, remember that not all rattlesnakes will have a rattle and will not always be reliable to determine a venomous snake.

Should I Look for the Coloring When Determining a Venomous Snake?
While we mentioned that there are only four types of venomous snakes in the US, they still include some subspecies; 2 copperheads, one Cottonmouth, two coral snakes, and 16 rattlesnakes. They can have a color variation that allows them to blend in with their surroundings. Therefore, using color to identify a venomous snake is not reliable.

Do Venomous Snakes Have Large Heads?
A venomous snake will usually have a distinctive head, which is triangular. However, there are instances when the non-venomous snakes can mimic this feature by merely flattening their heads. It will make them look more dangerous to predators. If you can see the pit between the nostrils and the eye of the snake, you will likely have a pit viper. Coral snakes, Cottonmouth, copperhead, and rattlesnake will all have this feature. It allows them to sense heat, which is useful when tracking their prey. Finally, some people will analyze the pupil of the snake to determine if they are venomous. Most venomous snakes will have a thick and vertical pupil that resembles the eye of a cat. On the contrary, most non-venomous snakes will have rounded pupils. Unfortunately, you will need to be in a close range to observe this. It can potentially expose you to dangers.

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